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October 2021
Welcome to Dellapalooza!!!

Back in October of 2006, Della delightfully presented us with Dellapalooza in honor of her 30th birthday month! She created a flier out of an October calendar, filled in its entirety with beloved events that she planned to attend, & invited us all to join in on the fun! So, we folded that 8x11 sheet of paper, put it in our pockets, hung ‘em on our fridges at home, and went to as many things that would keep us near to celebrating our dear Della! In honor of everybody’s favorite gal, and continuing that celebration of her exquisite life, we invite you to get your Dellapalooza on once again!

Check back for any updates at ::

This next one is a dance number!

Let's blast some tunes and cut a rug! Dance in yer kitchen, or check out one of your local live music venues! Just promise us one thing…drive safe & sober. You are loved.

Throwback :: The first few bands Della went to see during Dellapalooza ‘06 were :: Creeping Time, Jill Brazil, & Brent Coalminers. 10/2/06 found Della at Boundary Bay, and ooh! Looks like something interesting is happening there TONIGHT!

More fun can be found at :: Whatcom Artist Studio Tour! Oct 2, 3, 9, 10, from 10-5 each day

Dorky Dance Fitness in the Park!

Join Sadye for one of Della’s all time favorite activities EVER!

Noon. Fairhaven Park in Bellingham, WA. Deets below. “Bring a mask and your most ridiculous costume and get ready for 45 minutes of pure Dorky Dance Fitness fun - in person and outside!”

Find the Kind Scavenger Hunt

It’s everywhere! Go on a kindness scavenger hunt today! 1 point for every act of kindness you can find! The more points you get, the more kindness you found! Winning! Bonus points for generating acts of kindness yourself!

Find some more bits of kindness in film this month during Pickford Film Center’s Doctober!

Send a Letter!

Della often made time to write to her family and friends. Postcards arrived from her adventure travels, she even wrote to her friends’ parents, & often included a doodle or two! Write to someone you love! Gushy gush about how amazing they are, share a poignant or hilarious memory, & pour your heart into it! Have you seen the stationary at Bison Bookbinding / Phoebe Wall’s shop? It’s sooo dreamy!

Mr Rogers Day

Mr. Rogers, much like our Della, is “an icon of kindness for the ages”, and, animals loved them as much as people did. Della drew much inspiration from what Mr Rogers brought to this world. Enjoy an old episode today, check out the ‘Finding Fred’ podcast, or watch the fabulous documentary, ‘Won’t You Be My Neighbor’.

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

7:30pm (EVERY Thursday!)

Bellingham’s Longest Running Improv Show! The upfront is “back and ready to make you laugh”, and excited to share their new space at The Sylvia Center for the Arts Studio Theatre with YOU! Get your tickets!

Looking ahead… a weekend of fun is upon us at ::

Story Time

Stories have bonded us throughout the ages. Make time today to read with someone you love… they may be in your home, on the other side of the world, or across the bonfire. A sweet way to cozy into the start of the weekend!

During Covid, Della stayed connected to some of her young friends by reading children’s books to them via zoom. Mo Willems & Andrew Root were a couple of her favorite children’s authors!

Trad Disco with DJ Boombox Kid

DJ/Producer and all round genre bending party rocker.

9:30pm-11:30pm (dance party) free! all ages!

Culture Cafe - 210 E Chestnut St (in the alley)

Have you been to any other Bellingham Irish Festival events this weekend (Oct 8, 9, 10)? A reminder to take a saunter around

Tip :: Pick up some ‘Della’s Delight’ tea blend today from Wonderland Tea & Spices for tomorrow!

Tea Time

“Tea for my honey. Honey for my tea!”

Della loved enjoying Sunday morning tea. Wonderland Tea & Spices has created a special ‘Della’s Delight’ tea blend, should you like to swoop by & purchase a bag!

Car Safety Day

Reminder ~ Cars can be dangerous. Use today to do your due diligence :: check your brakes, tire pressure, tire tread, head lights, windshield wipers, seatbelts, and any warning lights. Do you have a first aid kit in your car? A good place to keep your phone put away as a distraction? Give your car some attention today with a thought towards safety!

Honoring Animals

Della adored animals! Like, really really revered and loved them. Let’s give our animal friends some extra TLC today! A walk, a good scratch behind the ear, one more treat, another squeaky toy, and most of all, loooooove!

Book Recommendation :: Intimate Nature ~ The Bond Between Women and Animals

So Bahk Do

Did you know that Della achieved a high rank of blue belt in Soo Bahk Do, even traveling to Korea to compete?

Today, find a martial art class you’re interested in, be it in-person or online, and give it a whirl!

Are you seeing this, and want to tell us about the amazing martial arts classes you teach or know about?! Please share!

Costume Home-araoke with Aireekah : Circus Night!

“Do you miss going out and singing or watching karaoke? How about wearing costumes? WELL HAVE I GOT A THING FOR YOU! It's Costume Home-araoke! It's just like regular costume karaoke except you stay in your sweet home, maybe in pajamas and a wig, and sing to friendly faces on a screen!” Event Page ::
Zoom Link ::

Open Community Chant Gathering with Meg Yates


“An hour of interspiritual chanting and space to share words from the heart in sacred witness and with caring confidentiality.”

A kindred reverence of friendship much like that in which Della held for so many.

Join Zoom Meeting ::

Meeting ID: 889 1955 8541

Farmers Market Day

"The Saturday market is more than just a place to buy fresh produce and hand crafted products. It fosters a sense of community and acts a gathering place for friends and family." Sounds like the heart of Della as well.

The harvest is bountiful, especially if you are a fan of SQUASH! Speaking of which, look ahead to the 21st, juuuust in case you want to plan ahead!

Put Your Affairs In Order

Do your loved ones know what to do if tragedy befalls you? Do you have a will? Have you had the conversations that, while hard, will be so important if the worse happens?

Take today and do that and do those hard things. Talk to your loved ones both about your wishes and theirs. It's hard, but it is an act of love.

Light a Candle in Remembrance of Della

Give Blood

As you plan small acts of kindness or ways to volunteer, don’t forget the impact of blood donation. Why donate blood? It saves lives.

Check out you local blood donation centers, and make an appointment today!

Oh! Pets can be donors too!

Create, Make, & Do

Be it art, a special meal, or finally replacing that Phillips screw or light bulb you’ve been meaning to… enjoy the pleasure of completing something!

Take a look at Della’s Animal ABC coloring book! Coloring may be just the thing for you to do!

Secret Squash & Gourd Drop-off!

Surprise someone’s stoop with one sole squash or a treasure trove of gourds! Butternut, spaghetti, acorn, kuri, blue hubbard, pumpkin, sweet dumpling, zucchiniiiii!!! Turn your neighborhood into an enchanting cornucopia of glee!

Is a squash a fruit or a vegetable?

Fake Bachler/ Bachelorette Party

Meet at 10am at the Village Green in Fairhaven with your favorite & gaudiest wedding attire (& wear your mask!). From there, we’ll take a stroll along the Boardwalk, snapping photos of our pre-nuptial shenanigans at all of the most scenic spots!

Get your tickets to HALLOWEEN CIRCUS!

Pumpkin Face Mask While Pumpkin Carving

What better way to inspire this year’s jack-o-lantern creation, than to look like one while making it?! Exfoliate while scooping out seeds? Yes please! Time to pamper up!

Throwback to ‘Pamper Della Day’

Fairhaven Fun

Eat at Colophon’s, or the Shirley Bird Cafe… laze around the village green with a new read from Village Books… Buy a bouquet of flowers at Everybody Flowers for yourself, a stranger, or someone you’re thinking about… Put on an impromptu show on the stage… it’s Sunday Funday, rain or shine!

Juggle This, Juggle That!

Meet up at Fairhaven Park any time between 12-3pm in the field at the bottom of the big hill. Bring something to practice juggling with, and an openness to trying something new or old! Need to stay indoors today? Check out this tutorial for beginner jugglers that you can try at home!

Google: juggling for beginner video

Duane’s Birthday

Della’s baby brother, Duane, was a champion bacon fan. And thus, for Duane’s birthday, Della and company always partook in dining on bacon or facon in his honor.

Today’s BLT goes out to you, buddy… crunch!

Della’s Birthday

Dellabrate good times as the Della ‘Moustachella’ Birthday Treat tradition continues!

:: Here’s the plan ::
Step 1. Aquire a delicious treat.
Step 2. Wear a mustache.
Step 3. Eat your treat while wearing a mustache.
Step 4. (optional) Share a photo of yourself Dellabrating to a Della ‘Moustachella’ social media page, and include #dellabration on your post!

A Seat at Della’s Table

Fairhaven Picnic Shelter

1pm-5pm Open House

Stop on by this afternoon to spend time at Della’s Table, where all are welcome. You can count on there being fun festivities abound! Please wear your mask.

We have reserved the use of the picnic shelter at the top of the hill near Della’s Table. This is a rain or shine event.

Halloween Weekend Fun!



A couple of Della’s favorite performing groups in town, all in one weekend! In fact, if you’ve looked ahead this far on the calendar, guess what, The Circus Guild & the Upfront are putting on weekend shows all over this month! Deets on their websites! Laugh long and hard!

Halloween Weekend Fun!



Have fun carving your pumpkin this weekend!

Dress Up Day!

Della loved dressing up in costumes! And she loved Halloween! So go find yourself a costume and DRESS UP! Do Halloween right!


Hot Damn Scandal is always a show to remember! Find them tonight at Boundary Bay Brewery!

"There there, no need for crying, just because dellapalooza's over. You can still shower me with gifts, and random acts of kindness and generosity... oh yes, these things can carry on. Oh yes."